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Outstanding December and Congratulations

25 December 2020

December is an outstanding month of the year, which is full of different occasions, which connected with legal sphere.

3 December – Day of Lawyer in Russia was set in 2008 by President order as a memory of the judicial reform of Alexander II in 1864.

9 December – International Anti-Corruption Day was set by Resolution of United Nations General Assembly № A/RES/58/4  in 21.11.2003 because United Nations Convention Against Corruption was opened for signing at this date.

10 December – Human Rights Day was set by Resolution of United Nations General Assembly from 4 December 1950 № 423 (V) 317 as the day the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

12 December – Constitution Day in Russia was set by federal law  № 32 13.03.1995 as this day commemorates the adoption of the Russian Constitution by constitutional referendum on 12 December 1993.

18 December – International Migrants Day was set by Resolution of United Nations General Assembly № A/RES55/93 04.12.2000 because on 18 December 1990, the General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

Today (25 December) – Christmas day! Merry X-mas!

As a New Year is coming, we wish very prosperous New Year! May the upcoming year be filled with wealth and health and may your science and legal activity be more productive and efficient!

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