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Resocialization in the structure of the social function of the state

02 June 2020

Study funded by RFBR, project number 19-311-90018


Research team:

  • Vera Romanovskaya (Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law and State)
  • Kirill Voronkov (Assistant, Department of Theory and History of Law and State)


The relevance of the project is justified by the need to identify at the legislative level the most problematic issues related to the return to normal life of “extra-social” persons: convicted, homeless, drug addicts, alcohol addicts and other categories of vulnerable citizens in a changing socio-economic relations.
The demand for research on the problems of resocialization of these categories of citizens is increasing in connection with the processes of reforming the Russian penitentiary system, revising and changing legal provisions in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities.
The project conducted a comparative legal analysis of Russian and foreign legislation on the social protection of persons with disabilities, the reintegration of convicts, single women with young children and other categories of vulnerable citizens, considered as part of the social function of the state.
The draft plans to propose measures to improve domestic legislation: the amendment of certain provisions in article 25 and the inclusion of new legal norms in Federal Law № 182 of June 23, 2016 “On the fundamentals of the system of crime prevention in the Russian Federation”. Based on the study of the experience of foreign countries, it is planned to make proposals for changing the Russian law enforcement practice in terms of including these categories of citizens in normal social life by creating specialized centers focused on different categories of people, depending on their needs.
The significance of the expected scientific result is to consolidate in science the theory of the state that a modern social state should have a modernized social function, the structure of which should include a separate element – resocialization.


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