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Online Presence

An electronic data system is actively developing at UNN. Students have access to different information resources and services, which provide information related to the learning process.

Access Instructions

For getting personal usernames and passwords you must go to login.unn.ru in the “Student” or “Graduate student” section and then go to the “Initial registration” subsection. For registration you need to enter your mobile phone or email address and, if these contact details are in the electronic databases of UNN, you will receive a confirmation code via sms or e-mail. Then you will be able to set a personal password and get a login to access UNN information services. Mobile phones and e-mail addresses for initial registration are used from newly submitted profiles submitted to UNN. If the contact details of a student or graduate student are not available in the system, then you need to contact the dean’s office to enter the contact details there in the electronic system for working with students “Galaxy”.

The main entry point into the electronic educational environment of UNN for students is the corporate portal portal.unn.ru, accessible from any point where Internet access is available. Key features provided by the Portal:

1) Students can keep under observation their educational process and the results of intermediate certification, grades (subsection “Gradebook” in the “Educational process” section, as well as the “Documents” section).

2) Students have access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (subsections “Curriculum”, “Work Plan” in the “Training Process” section).

3) Students have access to electronic educational resources and electronic library systems (section “Library Resources”).

4) Students can create their own portfolio (section “Portfolio”).

5) Students can download coursework and practice reports, with the ability to view reviews and grades on them (subsection “Coursework” in the “Learning Process” section).

6) Communication and interaction with other participants of educational process, employees and other students are possible (sections “Buzz” and “Chat and calls”).

7) Students can view the schedule of training sessions (section “Schedule”).

The student’s personal login and password also provide access to other information resources of UNN, including electronic courses of UNN, available at e-learning.unn.ru.

The electronic data system of the university is constantly evolving and we regularly inform students about the new opportunities that it presents.

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