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Welcome to the Faculty of Law

The largest law school in the region

  • more than 70 graduations of students,
  • 2650 students (over 1200 full-time students),
  • 130 PhD-students,
  • 140 lecturers: 106 lecturers with a degree (24 doctors of law and 82 candidates of law).

Classical education at the University with a 100-year history

The educational process is founded on classical approaches of legal education. UNN is the alma mater of many well-known judges, lawyers, prosecutors and other representatives of the legal professions.

Fundamental and applied science

Lecturers of the Faculty of Law regularly win grants for conducting scientific activities in advanced research areas. Our students regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences and write scientific articles. Every year the faculty organizes 3 master’s conferences, an all-Russian student conference and 2-3 international conferences for faculty members.

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