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Master of International Law


Master’s programme in International Law provides a depth study of international law as a fundamental phenomenon of modern jurisprudence and comprehensive knowledge of private and public international law. The programme teaches the analysis and understanding of the processes of formation and development of international law as the most important branch of law, the functioning of international institutions and organizations.

The programme combines courses on international public law with European and comparative law. Students of Master in International Law will study theory, history and philosophy of international law, international legal doctrines, European construction, law of the European Union, legal personality of the European Union, International migration law, European human rights law, European labor law, etc.

A graduate of the programme will be able to provide legal advice to participants of international relations, participate in negotiation processes, and identify problems in the functioning of international legal institutions and structures, conduct research in the field of private and public international law.

Program Director: Evgenia Kalinina, Doctor of Law, Professor

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